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Which are the Common Issues with Live Edge Slabs?

Wood Carpentry products with great accommodation on boards on the Live Edge Slabs can cause beautiful furniture, which indicates that nothing makes mistakes. In this blog, we will talk about...

Wood Carpentry products with great accommodation on boards on the Live Edge Slabs can cause beautiful furniture, which indicates that nothing makes mistakes. In this blog, we will talk about the most common problems we see with Live Edge Slabs.

The Slab Warping:

This is by far the most common issue we hear with live edge slabs. This can happen for a number of reasons. Those reasons include:

1.The Slab is not dried first. And if this is not common, this should be observed. If the board is not dry enough, you will encourage it because it dries more as soon as you are at home.

2.The slab was not stored evenly or with the uneven influence of each side. For example, if the slab is flat on the floor, it can absorb moisture or escape from above. This change in humidity is also uneven on the stove, the wood is deformed.

3.Turn the end on one page or unequal. When one of the two sides relaxes and one side absorbs and waiting for counterfeits. If you work in a wooden garage or a wood and only end one side, the panels can be deformed at night. To avoid this, they cover the only aspect that the covers have not yet finished and complete the project as soon as possible.

4.The slab is not stored in a good place. Locations such as bathrooms or lower floors with high humidity in the air are not perfect. People or storage units are not perfect and do not heat up and have the humidity.\

5.The slab was transferred to wood with pressure. For example, if you move the truck 12 '' from the 6 'bed, happiness can be distorted if you return home.

6.She left the slab outside and was blocked or exposed to high temperatures and sunlight. This can cause distortions in a few hours.

The Slab Cracking:
The second most common problem is to break the board of directors. Usually this can be explained by changes in humidity and temperature. Usually this happens in the oven or while the slab dries the air. However, this can happen as soon as a table is installed on the base.

Really with all the forests, this is because it moves. It develops and sufficient in different environments. If your slab is installed in such a way that the wood does not develop and contracts, as it wishes, there is a strong probability that it chops.

To avoid cracking:

There are a few things you can do to help keep your slab from cracking:

  1. If you use a metal base, make sure that it contains growing, not round holes. If the holes are contained by the wood, the tree can develop and usually contract. If the tree cannot move, it will be chopped.
  2. Use strands to install your legs. Make sure you concentrate perfectly on the holes of the legs.
  3. In the event of an increase in the wood base, select a carrier with which you can move wood through grains.
  4. This is not the use of screws. Gold can be used for very small pieces, but you probably have problems if you use screws to install large tablets.


Soft Spots & Holes In The Wood Slab:

Weaknesses can often occur in lazy areas or in wood errors. If you have a small wooden hole, there is a good opportunity because it is a powder beetle. These traces are often under a thin layer of wood and can lead to a weak point. Usually on the edges of the Slab.

If this is a problem, we recommend certain things. For large holes, you have to fill the epoxy resin. After processing, epoxy resin strengthens the wood. For small gaps, we sometimes use any bond, which is an adhesive to fill rooms and cracks on a tree.

Whatever is the easiest, it is better than nothing to do. Poor computers are often high gap zones. We therefore recommend filling out the devastation in the upper part of the room.

Weak points can also occur from mold. In this case, it is preferable to remove the mold frequently and fill the cavity from epoxy resin. This fills the lazy area and forms a vacuum, which makes it a great way to combine the table.
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