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High Quality wood
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High Quality wood
20 year useful life
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The Beauty and Mystery behind the Price of Live Edge Tables

In the world of furniture there is a category that emerges not only for its functions, but also for incredible beauty and its unique nature: living tables. These parts, which...

In the world of furniture there is a category that emerges not only for its functions, but also for incredible beauty and its unique nature: living tables. These parts, which are often developed from incredible wooden panels that keep their natural edges, are cleaned for their rural charm and unique attractiveness. For many, however, the price associated with these tables can be a big surprise. So why is it expensive in the air on the board on the board?

  1. Rare and unique materials: The living edges of the tables are usually developed from solid wood such as nuts, maple, cherry or oak. The process of choosing these panels is strict when craftsmen search for details with exceptional patterns of tablets, color change and natural defects. These excellent materials have the costs, in particular by considering a limited offer of this wonderful tree.
  2. In contrast to traditional furniture: in which monotheism is often the goal of living tables on the board of grade note natural wood disorders. This means that each part should be placed strictly to highlight the beauty of the material and to guarantee structural integrity. From grinding and formation of wood to grinding and decorating, the process requires time and experience.
  3. Literal touch: Many living tree trunks are manually designed by qualified masters, including creativity and craft in every room. These craftsmen bring many years of experience and an expanded understanding of the commercial wood methods for their profession, which leads to furniture that exceeds offers with large products in department stores. The interest in details and personal contact contributes to the highest price of the tables of the living edges.
  4. Environmental considerations: Sustainable wood sources are a crucial factor for the production of living tables on boards. Managers give the officials priority with an extracted or rescued tree if it is possible to reduce the effects of their environmental work. In addition, the drying process of air is tight, and wood processing to prevent fake or a break increases the total production costs.
  5. Unique design and personalization: One of the most attractive aspects of the life of the life of the life is its individuality. There are no completely similar works, which makes every table a real work of art. In addition, many Masters Offer Customization options with which customers can adapt their tables in accordance with the specified preferences in sizes, suitable, decoration and basic relief. This level of Customization increases benefit, but also contributes to the highest price.


Although the shock from the initial stickers of the Live Edge table can result in a temporary stop, it is important to determine art, craft and high-quality materials contained in the creation of this incredible furniture. In addition to the functions, living logos are high-quality investments that bring a natural house. So if one of these masterpieces was surprised next time, do not forget that its price not only reflects the material costs, but also the passion and competence of the masters who brought them back to life.

If you are on the market for an unusual straight table, plan to see the wonderful group of SlabstudioHongKong. Each Table is carefully developed for perfection and guarantees that your investment will be proud of the coming years.

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