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High Quality wood
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High Quality wood
20 year useful life
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The Difference between Hardwood vs. Softwood

  When it comes to woodwork, one of the most fundamental decisions you encounter is the choice between hard wood and soft wood. Each type of tree has its own...


When it comes to woodwork, one of the most fundamental decisions you encounter is the choice between hard wood and soft wood. Each type of tree has its own properties, unique advantages and ideal applications. Understanding the differences between hard wood and soft wood is required to obtain the desired result in your commercial wood projects. In this article we are differentiated between these two types of wood to help you make appropriate decisions for your next project.

Hard wood against soft wood: what is the difference? In contrast to the information of their names, the terms "hard tree" and "soft tree" do not necessarily indicate the density or rigidity of the wood. Instead, these are many classifications based on the type of wood that is obtained from wood.


  1. Origin: Hard wood comes from the case of trees that are best trees, the leaves of which fall every year. Examples are oak, maple, walnut, and cherry.
  2. Properties: Continuous wood is usually a more intense structure that makes it firm and resistant to wear. It is often characterized by complex grain patterns and a wide range of colors, from light to darkness.
  3. Application: Hard wood is usually used in high furniture, cupboards, floors and decorative accents from its aesthetic resistance and attractiveness.
  4. Sustainability: Many types of hard wood with slow growth, which can complicate the update. However, sustainable harvest practice can help reduce the environmental problems.


  1. Origin: Soft wood comes from conifers, which are also referred to as gymnosperms and the normally convey taps and have similar leaves or size. Examples are pine, cedar, spruce, and fir.
  2. Properties: Soft wood tends to have a more open grain structure and usually less dense than hard wood. It is often easier to work with it and can be more affordable than a hard wood.
  3. Application: Soft wood is usually used for design, outdoor jewelry, fence, structural structure from its accessibility, diversity and user friendliness.
  4. Sustainability: Many types of soft wood develop quickly and can be repaired at a relative speed, which makes it a more stable option for liability management.

Choose the right wood for your project:
If you choose between hard wood and soft wood for a commercial wood project, think of the following factors:

  1. Purpose: Determine the planned use of your project. Build furniture, build a surface or form decorative elements? The planned use affects your choice of wood.
  2. Sustainability: Take into account the requirements for stability according to the project section and the transport of the expected corrosion. The continuous wood is usually more durable and suitable for high point zones, while soft wood requires additional protection or maintenance.
  3. Aesthetic call: Take into account the aesthetics required for your project. A solid tree offers a wide range of colors and grain patterns and offers the chances of finishing and beautiful accents. On the other hand, rustic charm has more rural magic and can prefer it for certain reasons.
  4. Budget: Evaluation of your budget restrictions and the costs of various types of wood. Although hardwood is often more expensive than soft wood, it can offer long term value and durability for certain applications.

In the world of wooden business, the choice between a hard Wood and a soft wood is a decisive solution that can significantly influence the results of your project. If you understand the differences in the original characteristics, applications and the stability between hard wood and soft wood, they can be illuminated according to the requirements and targets of your project. Regardless of whether you manufacture adequate furniture, build structural elements or add decorative keys, the choice of wood of a good type is required to achieve the desired results. In SlabstudioHongKong we offer various options with a solid tree to satisfy your wooden needs.

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