Made to order

コンソールテーブル ウォールナット材製、ウォールナット材コンソールテーブル、木製キャビネット

€1.115,95 EUR
税込。 配送 チェックアウト時に計算されます。

材料: South American walnut /Monkey Pod wood

サイズ:長さ、幅、高さ (Cm_インチ)

60X36X80cm_23.62X14.17X31.5 インチ







無垢材の原産地: 北アメリカ



無垢材の原産地: 北アメリカ



無垢材の原産地: 北アメリカ





無垢材の名前: チェリー材 (この黒ずみまたは「熟成」プロセスは、光にさらされてから最初の 6 か月以内に最も顕著に現れ、美しい赤茶色の色合いに達するまで数年間続く場合があります。桜の木は、できるだけ多くの自然光にさらすことで老化プロセスを促進することができます。)




製品水分含有量: 6 ~ 10%。

製造: 窯乾燥、手作り、ほぞほぞ構造またはアリ溝接合


再定義された職人技: ウォールナット材コンソール テーブル

職人の技と控えめな高級感が融合した傑作、ウォールナット材コンソール テーブルの時代を超越した優雅さをお楽しみください。絶妙なウォールナット材から細心の注意を払って作られたこのコンソールテーブルは、温かさと洗練さを醸し出し、あらゆる生活空間に自然の美しさを加えます。洗練されたデザインと多彩な機能により、玄関、廊下、リビング ルームに最適で、スタイルと実用性の両方を同等に提供します。




ウォールナット材のコンソール テーブルは、単なる装飾的なアクセントではなく、ニーズに合わせた多彩な機能を提供します。大切な物の展示面として使用する場合でも、日常の必需品を収納する実用的な収納ソリューションとして使用する場合でも、広々としたテーブルトップと下の棚は、さまざまな目的に十分なスペースを提供します。スリムなプロファイルと合理化されたデザインは狭いスペースに最適であり、頑丈な構造により長年にわたる耐久性と安定性が保証されます。


細部まで精密に作られたウォールナット材のコンソール テーブルは、優れた職人技と絶妙なデザインの証です。一つ一つの部品を丁寧に組み上げ、完璧に仕上げることで、洗練された品格を醸し出します。滑らかで磨かれた表面から滑らかな先細りの脚に至るまで、このコンソール テーブルのあらゆる側面は、その時代を超越した美しさと永続的な魅力に明らかな品質と卓越性へのこだわりを反映しています。


ウォールナット材のコンソール テーブルで個性を主張し、あらゆるインテリアを引き立てるエレガンスとセンスの象徴です。モダンなアパート、伝統的な家、または過渡期の空間に設置されても、その時代を超越したデザインと自然の美しさは、あらゆる環境に洗練されたタッチを加えます。ウォルナット材コンソールテーブルの控えめな高級感でリビングスペースを強化し、ご自宅をスタイルと洗練の安らぎの空間に変えましょう。

材料: South American walnut /Monkey Pod wood


Rappel chaleureux, veuillez installer des ancrages de meubles sur des meubles spécifiques afin d'empêcher les enfants de grimper sur les meubles, ce qui pourrait  les meubles doivent être pliés. Cela peut empêcher les enfants de se blesser.

3 choses :

1. Entre le port et votre domicile, sur la route, le camion peut-il arriver à votre domicile sur la route sans problème ? Y compris sur les routes de village.

2. Le bâtiment dans lequel vous vivez, y compris les ascenseurs, les escaliers et les portes, dispose-t-il de suffisamment d'espace pour que les meubles puissent passer sans problème ?

3. Y a-t-il suffisamment d'espace à la porte de votre maison, y compris la porte de la chambre et la porte d'entrée de la maison, pour que les meubles puissent passer à un endroit que vous placez en douceur ?



他の国にお住まいの場合は、購入前にご連絡ください。送料無料の場合もあります。 で購入した商品と、その商品が配送される場所に応じて、異なる配送方法が提供されます。各配送方法には独自の制限があり、注文に追加料金が適用される場合があります。









Based on 17 reviews
Custom order
christian W.K. (DK)
Absolutely stunning piece of carpentry.

To put it short, I simply cannot recommend this vendor enough.
To put a few more words to it: Well, this was my first time buying a piece of high end furniture and being of fairly modest means I knew I wanted a cabinet in a very particular style and which would last for a very long time. I found slabstudio early in my search and fell in love with this piece, I was however hesitant to shell out this amount of money, but search as I might I simply could find another cabinet from other vendors in a similar style that I liked as much.

Finally I bit the bullet and contacted slabstudio regarding a custom order. The original piece as advertised comes with two sliding doors with open slats but this didn't quite match the aesthetic I wanted. I therefore asked if it would be possible to modify one of the sliding doors so as to have it match the drawer section while retaining the sliding door function and slabstudio after some clarification, including me sending some rough mockups made in paint, replied that they could certainly do that for me.
The entire ordering process was very pleasant and they were quite helpful.
I made the order on 8 november 2024 and recieved the piece, which was very securely packaged, on 17 february 2025.

Now I live in denmark so a delivery time of just over 3 months for a custom piece of high end carpentry shipped all the way from Hong Kong is quite fast in my book.

Lastly i would to note that slabstudio included shipping expenses and import taxes in the price. Again, I live in Denmark so I was somewhat sceptical of this, thinking that surely i'd be getting a call from customs so they could slap me with that 25% VAT. It turned out to be true though and the cabinet was delivered without having to deal with customs.

The cabinet itself is beautiful. From the wood itself, the finish and the detailing. It is quite solid and I almost blew out my back getting it up the stairs to my second story apartment. Additionally, the custom sliding door could not be closer to what i had envisioned, to the point that I suspect they straight up used the same size and type of recessed grip handle as I used in my mockups.

I highly praise slabstudio for their work and thoroughly recommend them. Excellent customer service, excellent craftmanship and the price is remarkably cheap compared to my local market so I will almost certainly be buying from them again if I can save up enough to buy something else in this price range.

Custom order
David E. (US)

I purchased this all walnut Japanese Style television console in the biggest size they offer but I wasn't quite happy with how short it was, but that wasn't a problem for these guys. I told them I needed it a few inches bigger and they made it happen. I was worried the proportions were going to be all off , that was not the case. Everything came out perfect. The shipment came well boxed so there was no damage during shipping.. I'm looking into buying more pieces from these guys again..

Custom order
Pasha (US)
Custom Order

I purchased two separate pieces; both are stunning! They’re exactly what I was looking for, and probably the best furniture I own right now. The craftsmanship is excellent. They were shipped carefully, and arrived in perfect condition. Yeung is extremely communicative, helpful, and courteous. I would definitely order from here again.

Custom order
Yuliia Syshchuk (BE)

J'ai commandé un buffet, un meuble TV et une console. Excellent travail ! Je vous suis très reconnaissant ! Les meubles sont très beaux et bien réalisés ! Le propriétaire de l'entreprise était constamment en contact avec moi et discutait de tous les détails concernant le mobilier. Je suis incroyablement satisfait du résultat, qui a dépassé toutes mes attentes ! Merci beaucoup!

Amazing coffee table

Incredible piece of furniture, looks absolutely beautiful, the wood is so well put together and it goes so well in my new home which is my first place! Yeung was great the whole way, always really responsive on WhatsApp whenever I messaged him. Couldn’t rate the customer service or overall experience any higher, will definitely purchase from him again!

Custom order
Nicholas Kao (AU)
TV Stand

I ordered the Japanese Oak TV Stand in White Oak and it exceeded my expectations.

For anyone who was wondering if this is a legitimate company, yes it is. I felt like I was taking a huge risk especially with the minimal reviews, costs and long lead times, but after receiving the product I can honestly recommend this company to anyone. The quality of the product is exceptional, and I can tell this is piece of furniture is going to last a lifetime.

Yeung maintained good communication throughout the entire process and answered all my questions quickly and transparently. We discussed and confirmed the measurements upon ordering and also drilled cable holes for me in the back of the unit.

While not the cheapest prices and wait times, it is worth the investment. Very happy customer!

Looks great!

High quality and looks exactly like in photos. Drawers move very smoothly. Customer service was amazing, and good communication avout measurements and shipping during each step of the process.

Custom order
Heidi Ostaszewski (US)
Special Order Credenza

Beyond impressed with the workmanship, exotic wood and shipping. Absolutely stunning piece, arrived without a scratch! Most amazing company to deal with and customize to my specs.

Custom order
Jim Hoffman (US)
Fantastic work! A+++

My custom cabinet turned out better than I had ever hoped. Yeung has used top quality materials and superior craftsmanship. The hand rubbed finish is second to none. I will absolutely be making more purchases in the future.

Meuble TV

Très beau meuble. Service client très réactif et professionnel.

Merci Kévin.

Excellent, handcrafted TV cabinet

Very impressed by the quality of the product. Arrived in perfect condition and communication with the seller was great throughout the process. This is a piece that will last decades. We will definitely be purchasing more from this shop! Thanks, again!

Thanks you so much.


Die Couchtischplatte sieht wunderschön aus. Einzigartiges Meisterstück. Es macht sich hervorragend in unserem Wohnzimmer. Alles hat super geklappt. Kundenservice + Lieferung verliefen reibungslos. Vielen Dank.


Ich hoffe, Sie werden mehr bestellen. Wenn Sie Hilfe benötigen, kontaktieren Sie mich bitte. (übersetzt von Google.)

High Quality! and unique design!

I just received my order, and despite being shipped a long distance to the US, it arrived in excellent condition. I ordered the Solid American Black Walnut. The craftsmanship is impeccable, and the finish is superb. We adore the design, intricate details, and the smoothness of all surfaces, even inside the cabinet and drawers. Although it took a significant amount of time (3 months, 25 days) for it to be made and delivered, it was worth the wait! Yeung provided excellent responsiveness and customer service, keeping us well-informed throughout the process. Overall, I highly recommend and love their furniture.

Thanks you.

Because your furniture need more protection.I spend more time to do.
The craftsmanship is better.because our production is more step than other is our advantage.

Custom order
Very good Live Edge South American Walnut Table Top and Custom Legs

Our experience working with Yeung was very great. He was very prompt and patient to explain details about the custom ordering process, very keen in documenting details and communicating to us at different stages of order progress. We have purchased a live edge dining table top and custom legs. Yeung has shared details and images of the exact table top we will be receiving from their inventory so that we don't feel any surprises later with regards to grains and patterns of wood. He also provided right suggestions on measurements while we were selecting custom legs suitable for the table top. Shipment arrived with a very solid and sturdy wooden crate packing with good cushion inside to avoid any possible damages. Overall we highly recommend SlabstudioHongKong and Yeung for our friends and family.


Sorry for late rely.So happy to do this deal with you.

and thanks you for your review.


the table is perfect, and the gentleman was very quick to prepare the order. very nice and accommodating person. I recommend.

Thanks you thanks you

Live edge slab

This slab looks amazing! It is even more beautiful in reality than in the picture! Quick delivery, good secure packaging. The seller is extremely easy to communicate! Would highly recommend! We are looking forward to assembling the table ( We will be happy to add pictures as soon as the table is complete)

thanks you so is rare piece.hope you like the slab .

Wonderful shopping experience and one of a kind table!

We love our new dining table! Yeung was absolutely amazing throughout the whole process, from showing us multiple slab options to updating on the preparation and shipping. We love all the items we bought from her and have already made a second purchase!

thanks you so much.hope your family also like small products too.


ナチュラル スタイルは、自然素材や自然にインスパイアされた素材を住宅に取り入れることで屋外の雰囲気を室内に取り入れ、新鮮で純粋、本物で快適な外観を作り出すことを目指しています。



