Made to order

massiv Holz Ronn Iessdësch, 60 Zoll Ronn Massivholz Iessdësch

$2,040.00USD $1,700.00USD Save $340.00
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

Material: Solid American Black walnut wood
Duerchmiesser: 36inch/91cm

Gréisst (Cm_Zoll)

Hauteur: 76 cm/30 inch

Wann Dir Still a Bänk braucht, sot mir och.merci.

3 Typ Holz fir auswielen


Massivholz Numm: Massiv amerikanesch Schwaarz Nussholz

Origine vu massivem Holz: Nordamerika 


Massivholz Numm: Wäiss Eichenholz

Origine vu massivem Holz: Nordamerika


Massivholz Numm: Kiischtenholz (Dësen Däischterungs- oder "Reifung" Prozess ass am meeschte offensichtlech bannent den éischte sechs Méint vun der Liichtbeliichtung an et kann e puer Joer weidergoen ier en dee schéine roude brong Téin erreecht Kiischtenholz ass bekannt fir Dir kënnt den Alterungsprozess beschleunegen andeems Dir d'Holz sou vill wéi méiglech natierlecht Liicht aussetzt.)

Hierkonft vu massivem Holz: Amerika

Dësen Artikel gëtt op Bestellung a FAS Niveau vum Holz gemaach. E Produktiounsprozess ass ongeféier 3-4 Wochen.

Dës Tabletop an d'Been sinn getrennt.

Produit Fiichtegkeet Inhalt: 6-10%.

Produktioun: Kilndgedréchent, Handgemaachte, Mortise-Tenon Structure oder Dovetail Gelenker

Mir benotzen keng Holzverfaasser. Natur massiv Holz gemaach. Nëmmen Tirang Säiten/Récken/Ënnen: paulownia Holz

Material: Solid American Black walnut wood
Duerchmiesser: 36inch/91cm

Product information

Warm reminder, please install furniture anchors to specific furnitures in order to prevent children from climbing on the furniture causing the furniture to be collapsed.It can prevent children get injured. 

3 things :

1.between the habour and your home, on the road, can the truck arrive your home on the road smoothly? Including village roads.

2.Does the building you live in, including elevators,stairs and doors, have enough space for furniture to pass smoothly?

3.Is there enough space at the door of your house, including the door of the room and front door of home, so that furniture can pass to a location that you place smoothly?

Free shipping:

Free shipping for specific regions including : US,UK,Canada,Japan,Taiwan,South Korea,Singapore,Australia,NewZealand,Sweden,Austria,Poland,Germany,France,Spain,Portugal,CzechRepublic,Switzerland,Italy,Lithuania,Netherlands,Belgium,Luxembourg,Denmark,Hungary,Latvia,Luxembourg,Slovenia.

If you are from other countries, please contact me before purchase.It may be free shipping too.

Depending on the item(s) that you purchased on and the location to which the items will be delivered, different shipping methods will be provided to you. Each shipping method has its own restrictions and additional charges that might be applied to order. 

The processing Time:

5-7 business day(we need do a reprocess when a furniture is sold and let international shipping company to prepare.)


Please allow it is large furniture,not a small needed time to do a international shipping process.

Shipping Time

We hope not to transfer the high shipping costs to consumers, which is not in line with my studio's goal of wanting more consumers to enjoy high-quality furniture.We select a sea freight rather than air freight. Remember,at the beginning of shipping ,there are no tracking number .After the product arrived at your local country warehouse,we will provide to you as soon as possible.

(*Our furniture are for 20 years,compared to 60day shipping worth your wait.)

Cliente Bewäertungen

Schreift déi éischt eng Iwwerpréiwung